Thursday, November 21, 2019


Teamwork Reliance Genuineity Family ties are everything. "...Do you need help, -- what do you need me to do? You got it!" This top of the knotch film is well written, directed, animated, and scored. Probably the best Disney Animated feature ever without being in your face without having Good vs Evil as the gargantuan theme. It's all about character. What makes us formidable without being the "typical knight in shining armor with a damsel in distress" scenario. A fresh subtle and contemporary approach. The superb animation crafting is a Rembrandt winter landscape painting with the colloquial grey white birch trees with rusty orange foliage, blues and whites of all tones, turquoise, aqua, smokey cream, electric white all these colors make snow, water and ice alive an bright. It is not a dream world but a real place. Not a fairytale place. Robust songs and orchestrations. Hitting all heartfelt, warm, comical, iconic notes great musical numbers have. Roles are inverted to equalize the sisters as heroines Elsa and Anna and the ditsie blonde archetype is brought to life by Kristoff and His Reindeer like Shaggy and Scooby his pet. Both endearing. The narrative is a solid story of the innate character strength and capabilities of each of us. Two sets of strength, one paranormal and one natural. What to do, how to make sense or use them. One relies on: Faith in self Faith in family Faith in friends and Everyone's Faith and support in Us The Sisters are always knowingly or unknowingly always aiming for the greater good of the whole, Nature AND society. This in itself truly makes this a noble tale. There is no preachy dialogue. The self effort and perseverance (I can do it--you can do it--we can do it ) are demonstrated as the main thrust of all the action sequences. Which is brilliant. Time and Time again, characters are challenged by themselves, their doubts, and others but they all take transformative action by "never giving up" and "try trying again" . Equal time is given to develop everyday life moments which makes all the characters feel like your family. You feel close to everyone by identifying interactions. By the way, there are no bad people or sides to take. You want everyone to be happy. The great thing about Disney, is they never fail to always have the juxtaposed position of tragedy at work, upfront or in the background. The Sister's face familial loss. This key point strengthens our empathy and connects us. This is one of the best films for all families. The most important line in this film is: "Do you need help, what do you need me to do?" --If you use this line regularly in your own household, (and in life) thousands of kerfuffles are avoided. I was so surprised to see it being used. I thought it was time to share it. If you resift the film, everyone is always asking if someone needs help and asking what can they do to help, verbally and nonverbally. And then following through by giving that help and that support through word, actions, and deeds. Remarkable Incredible This film is truly an everyone film.


Rule Number 1 "My House My Rules My Coffee" This surprising delightful film has high marks in all the production core values. Writer/Director Rian Johnson gives a glitche free stately mystery with peacock flourish. The set is immaculately revealed. The script is vibrant panache and punctilious. The narrative is stylishly convoluted. The cast is For Your Eyes Only and The directing is so good it's virtually invisible. The main set is a very Rockerfellian Vanderbilty summer housey estate that has a modern Anderson Cooperlike vibe to it -- it looks like it should be stuffy musty moldy smelly like a very old old old bottle of perfume. The American baroque style details are grounded finessed emphasized in highly selective weighty clunky and noteworthy Tchotchkes! Polished carved statues heads sculptures puppets in metal marble rosewood paper mache- -inside in mezzanined library and outside on a pine tree landscape Quiessential posed cherub faces whimsically frozen non plussed... A moody old museum-esque manor -- Bright dust free and Clean clean clean Art deco fabric wall paper spotless Kooky nice antiques and technology smerge side by side, like a Roman Villa with an infinity pool and gas fireplace. Costly Emotional knickknacks that only an eccentric collector loves and visitors question and silently snicker at This concise haberdashery establishes the background literally, with out which the film would fall flat. This is the main silent character. It is the whole tone ambiance that glues and buttresses the dynamics and the characters. The cinematography is flattering Like a 1960 under lit Polaroid snapshot with Blurple pink lavender hues and plum tones. Minimalist accent lighting of campfire golden lights at night in sconces, tulip chandeliers and daylight streaming in through porthole windows. Everybody looks gorgeous. Choppy shots and editing keeps the pace exciting upbeat and accelerates the action. The ensemble is Quirky funky perfunctory. True to type performances are quippy tarty snappy pithy and defensive of self and for kin... No, they are not bad people they're Clan absorbed to assure self interests. Assuredly, Money makes strange bedfellows. Strangely, to you can see at any turn the film could denigrate into a comical spoof, or a farce but the secure range of skills that spans old Hollywood, Classic Boomers Millenials- prevent this. It high powered skills. Jamie Lee Curtis, Christopher Plummer, Toni Collet, Don Johnson and Ana De Armas keep the situational humour on task and on point. The dialogue is slight of hand funny. First they're polite then testy then tarty then empathetic, searching through their secure insecurities an absurdities. It's not fast talking but mood swingy. Pay attention or you'll miss a laugh while your rethinking a laugh. A Layered fleshed out Holiday Fruitcake with the kitchen sink! It is Herculean, there are no loose ends. Master Craftsman Rian sneakily reveals everything yet it's only the scaffolding. The finale is the piece de resistance. There is a take away line: "Evidence can tell a false story and everyone can lie" isn't that an updated "Don't always believe what you see and hear!" Lastly it's an easy breezy but not casual, tykes may lag. No profanity or nudity. Everybody can go and be entertained by their level of participation. And Avoid bathroom breaks ...too much happens to get a whispered recap. Yes it is fun. It's Super Fun. High Fun, if there's such a thing. Oh Finally if people don't like rule Number 1, they can have Rule Number 2. What is Rule Number 2 ? "Rule Number 2 is if in doubt see Rule Number 1: "My Coffee My House My Rules" tee-hee


Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...