Thursday, February 13, 2020


How much is that hedgehog in the window? Pure Oxygen! Hooting Awesomeness! So fresh. Every aspect of talent was exalted. A Banana Split Sundae under a Double Rainbow with a unicorn film with fireworks. Even ants! See this film it's just wonderful. Simply exhilarating! It's a bull's eye narrative about People celebrating all that life brings, happiness, sadnesses, in a nice smart millennial world  dashed with Andy Griffith spice meets alien meets big brother. Comedy Action with Speed.Did I say funny. The narrative builds a sentimental bucket list of white picket fence desires that percolate with the inner-longst in finding a place and a dream...a friend. Spending no time to dwell on the past or self pity, each character bravely looks at their weaknesses and strengths as they vibrantly live what Life has given them. The Animation is the finest blue suede fur you'll ever/never have! The Maddest Science Lab on wheels for Royal Villains. Cinematography is picture perfect small town The score is a swelling orchestration like Appalachian Spring meets Norman Rockwell and Air Supply. Right music right mood. The brilliant character portrayals are spectacular. Jim Carrey is entrancing and tight as a drum like a go-go dancer with 100 miles of refurbished defensive baggage James Marsden sweet and likeable and self assured goofy nice guy Ben Schwartz gives cheeky and peaches, whip cream and snails and puppy dog tails. Tika Sumpter charming all bases covered I got your back partner Director Jeff Fowler handles this so finely tuned, the comic situations are with layers so easy breezy. It all sparkles spectacle. Writers Patrick Casey, Josh Miller, and Yuji Naka - Some of the best natural  dialogue without profanity, just one comraderie bff fart joke. Complex genuine heart on the shoulder solid relationships, with mix and scruff and crusty and villains. The best 3 Liners! What is the problem of being the smartest person in the whole world? its that everyone else is stupid. This is pure family adrenaline home run entertainment. Kids will Holler. Adults will Holler. So exciting and firecracky! This film hits all the dimensional fantasy algorithms. If u believe in fairytales and don't look gift horse in the mouth If u want good things to happen to you and your loved ones and appreciate sprinkle cupcakes this is our film if u concern urself with the brouhaha of the animation changes, blah blah blah -stay home and look in a mirror and write ur life's screenplay What the world needs now is everything Sonic & Family delivers and portrays. Standing up for Earnest Simplicity and Sincerity. And the rocket's red glare. This is one film not to miss

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...