Saturday, March 21, 2020


Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger?
Then u can shoot a gun...

Can I get a whoo-hoo!
That's what you this
Flipped Flipped-Out Outlandish of bias bias who's got a bias with "The Deplorables vs The Undesirables" Cat and Mouse Hunt. 
A must see gory juggernaut jarring no-holds-bar black, white, and red all over Action Horror Comedy. 

Internet modern world with all it's cross sections of modernity, hick town, jet set, and international locales/Culture clash mash are pivitol places to the plot.

With an exciting accelerating rising drum beat score the likes of a Kirk n Spock mating battle.

The Larky portrayals are smart with notions of stereotypes.
Kudos to Betty Gilpin. A Wry and Riveting performance glues all the pieces together like funnyman-straightman ping pong ball. 
The many cast members are perfunctory and surly.Without Betty's stiff upper lip Elvis Presley snarl acting, nothing about this would have flown.
Director Craig Zobel really got to the nitty gritty of character, setting, and story in economical time. He Aced it.

In depth, speed, wit, sledge hammer irony pepper the politics dialogue with no nonsense clarity.  Like thunder and rain, characters believe in themselves. Here script could have gone spoofy like a skit, it clenches itself stays the course. It's clean and all ideology bull's eyes. 
Nick Cuse with co-writer Damon Lindelof give us clear arguments for all sides.

Incredible Action Parody are remarkable and unrelenting. Each slapstick action scene/ mind "f**k" is nuanced. It has the best gripping heart stopping ending-fight-sequence with teeth. Ever.

This is a film that's eclecticism fit all genres so it's an everyone adventure, though graphically horror-violent, it is not a little kid's film. Fiend mayhem kick-ass fun.

So is it better to be: Smart pretending to be idiots or Idiots pretending smart?!
It's all Mano to Mano, hand to hand, But underneath it all it is heart to heart.
Might vs Right. See it anyway for the hunt of it!

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Is true magic sincerity? Is true magic the power of support? Is true magic love? Even though I walked around with a fried egg on my head... You were always there with me! This poignant "will I be happy" theme is the fast paced backstory that is humoursly played out in this absolute charming zany family film. This animation narrative is A lively earnest and incredible emotional adventure quest set in a magic fairytale kingdom. As time moves forward, The new technology overshadow relationships causing siblings, family, neighbors, and citizens to "forget their real selves" and lose their uniqueness as they succumb to the gadgetry. What to do? The dessert cake animation layout is bright and lively like sun shiney Saturday Morning Cartoons with a bowl of lucky charms. Unicorns and wishingwells and trapdoors and treasuremaps. Its all presented in state of the art action with feisty pixie dust and fire breathing dragons. The cast is fitted well together and stars the voices and of Tom Holland searching yearning for his corner in the sky Chris Pratt exuberant your bud Julia Louis-Dreyfus nimble doting ninja Octavia Spencer a piece of work in progress Dan Scanlon is the helmsman "Director" of this beautiful softedge verve dynamic tale of challenge and be challenged. For me, there seems to be a lot of autobiographical subtexture in the seams. Making all moments life filled and lovingly by playing the right note at the right time. 2 Writers with Dan Scanlon, Jason Headley and Keith Bunin scripted a day-in-the-average-life of characters who take each day one at a time, holding those who they love close, with simple banter and strong bonds. The clarity of each scene demonstrates precise feelings. This a genuine genius. Why? Writing day to day comedy is about writing lines of how someone is trying to be funny but cant be. There is lots of action, lots of working things thru, lots of togetherness. And.... Lots of fun. Who should go: The emotion levels are perfectly in place for everyone. Tiny ones will love the spectacle, Adults will see genuine values being portrayed, and Teens may see their struggles and victories. It still all comes down to the answer to this simple day to day question: Is true magic sincerity? Is true magic the power of support? Is true magic love? Yes

Friday, February 28, 2020


Is Revenge is served best old and invisible! Yes! Harrowing, unsettling, and gut wrenching narrative Rebooted sans the surgical bandages, novelist HC Wells "Invisible Man" A new and improved control freak who doesn't let go. The ambience is chillerific. Ultra modern 2020 tech savvy Malibuesque sleek concrete see-thru open view glass beach house and everything that money can buy to small town usa is the riveting back and forth backdrop. With all the San Francisco salt air you can breathe. If you can. Artisan and streamlined cinematography- picture perfect creepy attic, Golden Gate Bridge fly over, cozy suburban safe house, to details as nuanced to a wide shot dining with chic square wine goblets. These images meticulously relax you like candlelight into the slippery suspense. The approach to music is awesome silence... raindrops, natural and pelting and then steel. The application is a fantastic orchestration of sound/music/silence. Less is so much more. When there is silence we hear silence, and throughout this film it's what you don't hear that is so foreboding and nerve-racking. Now, Welcome to the Elizabeth Moss Show the sensitive tormented performance -- frightened -- frazzled -- beaten down is "The Film" Her fight back/skittishness with a presence of mind are hauntingly brilliant. You believe in his brutal narcissistic assault only because of her hi-test portrayal. The necessary supporting cast buoys Her up, giving the filler and strength to the narrative's twist filled arc. Oliver Jackson-Cohen smart smug spoiled snot Storm Reid everybody's teen Aldis Hodge neighborly friend Harriet Dyer snippy Michael Dorman a grey suit prima donna play their parts like the everyday people we know and trust The Director/Writer Leigh Whannel....His vision and shots makes you want to dodge weave and duck. Impeccable timing. Chiseled dialogue whips the story along. He did his homework and everything about this is truly a gift on stalking behaviour. No leniency on this harsh violent abusive subject matter (having experienced similar recounts, look a Hollywood Stars' notorious abuse stalking murder cases--this is true to life.) If you empathize with the story it is excruciatingly hard to process that everyday people behave this way in. The editing is superb linear and air tight. Whannel's whole POV is Her story. Is Her story really what happened? Emotional trauma is a slow process in response to being gaslighted. This is Masterly directed, and cleverly written. Just sit still and stop fidgeting. This is his style. One of this year's finest outstanding terror thrillers. Who? This film is for all types, enough action, story, mystery, thrills. If you like Hitchcock, this is more than up your alley. Invisibility is inevitable! It's "6g" away

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Ya know...Wild horses couldn't carry me away Not one thing in Nature is misplaced... This film is about awareness of ones thought words and deeds. Sometimes refusing to watch listen and learn causes life to make decisions for you. Are u feeling lucky, unlucky or stubborn? In this case various outcomes are exemplified without judgment. There is real evil, victims, heroes, and good on the playing grounds arena in this pine needle plateau of Alaskan country circa 1800's A setting of something-something of just living shrouded in a mystical journey. Here we are Yukon Alaskan frozen unpaved muddy caked street . No hot water, no electricity, No refridgerators, no soft and cozy blankets, no nonstick-induction frying pans. Life and Death were hard so never let your guard down. Danger was a way of life. So All of that... the big "roughing it" reflection is the narrative for the adults. Countered to a life of a dog's life pioneering his way through life and self discovery... is the telepathically transmitted tale to the kids. Very broad deeply flushed stokes within an appealing folksy fir tree iceberg epic vista. So rewarding. You see these untouched marvels, with wonder but the stark reality of getting a quart of milk and a warm bath / what it takes just to get mail or catch a salmon for dinner was time intensive during 1800. I saw a documentary of a bear in bear heaven as he sat in a river gorging his self on free range salmon. Next he was wailing and flailing his arms and racing off in a flurry. A locust-swarm of mosquitos had made him into din-din. Ya know, Alaska's state bird is the Mosquito.... That was a diatribe but This is that semi-human unadulterated Alaska / Era you feel. The cast is a patchwork of well cued characters. CGI animated "Buck the dog" the key character, as upfront and as humanified as possible. Harrison Ford brings a sentimental portrayal like a good port wine and mudcake. Others actors bring the hardened saucer-deep colorful no-nonsense ilk out so frankly that you could split a hair on. Stoic Cara Gee is unfooled by calling a spade a spade Omar Sy is whimsy full of things hoped for and polishing rough diamonds Mother Nature lifts a veil showing She is competent and sane. Its only humans who breed out of season... Ok. The film isn't metaphysical but it is. Nature is Nature. Unlike humans who need validation from brand name clothes, digital confirmating tablets, Fones, DVD. People have become their things and can no longer hear their true nature. This is there because it isn't. AND When left alone, Nature returns to Nature. Ya don't need a pair of Adidas to be you. This dog Zen-ifies for you. Director Chris Saunders brings casual fables to life in a live and let be virtuosity. The Cinematography is fall in love off the grid rustic festival The writer... Jack London. Who's this for? Hmm a kaleidoscope of mutts and thouroughbreds, casualists, philosophers and kids of all ages. You'll find "you" somewhere here. Therefore you will be entertained...the challenge is to see everyone and regain a bit of your nature. pick the battles watch for omens etc ultimately at the end of the day If u take time to notice, every creature on this earth has an agenda. in truth...Nature is not wild, humans are wild = loco bc of their forgotten nature. Like I say 1800 Alaska or Bust? If it were only that simple. I think we can have our cake and eat it, too.

Thursday, February 13, 2020


How much is that hedgehog in the window? Pure Oxygen! Hooting Awesomeness! So fresh. Every aspect of talent was exalted. A Banana Split Sundae under a Double Rainbow with a unicorn film with fireworks. Even ants! See this film it's just wonderful. Simply exhilarating! It's a bull's eye narrative about People celebrating all that life brings, happiness, sadnesses, in a nice smart millennial world  dashed with Andy Griffith spice meets alien meets big brother. Comedy Action with Speed.Did I say funny. The narrative builds a sentimental bucket list of white picket fence desires that percolate with the inner-longst in finding a place and a dream...a friend. Spending no time to dwell on the past or self pity, each character bravely looks at their weaknesses and strengths as they vibrantly live what Life has given them. The Animation is the finest blue suede fur you'll ever/never have! The Maddest Science Lab on wheels for Royal Villains. Cinematography is picture perfect small town The score is a swelling orchestration like Appalachian Spring meets Norman Rockwell and Air Supply. Right music right mood. The brilliant character portrayals are spectacular. Jim Carrey is entrancing and tight as a drum like a go-go dancer with 100 miles of refurbished defensive baggage James Marsden sweet and likeable and self assured goofy nice guy Ben Schwartz gives cheeky and peaches, whip cream and snails and puppy dog tails. Tika Sumpter charming all bases covered I got your back partner Director Jeff Fowler handles this so finely tuned, the comic situations are with layers so easy breezy. It all sparkles spectacle. Writers Patrick Casey, Josh Miller, and Yuji Naka - Some of the best natural  dialogue without profanity, just one comraderie bff fart joke. Complex genuine heart on the shoulder solid relationships, with mix and scruff and crusty and villains. The best 3 Liners! What is the problem of being the smartest person in the whole world? its that everyone else is stupid. This is pure family adrenaline home run entertainment. Kids will Holler. Adults will Holler. So exciting and firecracky! This film hits all the dimensional fantasy algorithms. If u believe in fairytales and don't look gift horse in the mouth If u want good things to happen to you and your loved ones and appreciate sprinkle cupcakes this is our film if u concern urself with the brouhaha of the animation changes, blah blah blah -stay home and look in a mirror and write ur life's screenplay What the world needs now is everything Sonic & Family delivers and portrays. Standing up for Earnest Simplicity and Sincerity. And the rocket's red glare. This is one film not to miss

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Everybody has got their own kind of Gotham ...I shaved my balls for this... A film within a film. Put these 3 blurbs together: 1) Its a cornucopia of  In and out, flashback backstory, mosaic, multiplex, styles, noire, dichotomy, sleep overs, gangsta'lairs, nightclubs, Chinese takeout, to Lip gloss, Confetti and shanks Dressed up to kill, funhouse, This is my world 2) two types of people: they work collect pay bills, one is criminal one is not. Black, trite, and petty Comedy with exorbitant extreme over the top behavior as they torture each other in those classifications. Police pecking order smack down the rookies; Perps play the same politics. This Gotham is a birdcage of subversive and perverted petty tyrants with no apologies. Everyone is out for their self. Gotham in a nutshell is : Cutesie cooky cartoony sloppy bullying crass adolescent Campy mill-doll Caricature of over the self-absorbed narcissist. Pathologically driven with Shutspa. And 3) A blend update of the old Batman tv serial animated blubs to Emphasizing Dark psychotic sadistic violence humiliation --Gleefully and matter-of-factly mistreat everyone and every thought is acted on without a screen, while looking for more people to mistreat. When you present these themes together, you get this film. It is not a hodge podge. Its a smorgesbord! This Schitck is going sideways! The Cinematography is upbeat street smart with natural lights. No leaning on fabricated artificial light to set tone. This is character driven. What people do to attain their objectives is the interest. Lofty Music is an after thought of haunting cotton candy soft rock covers of hard rock. Like hanging blue moon wisteria sultryly lilting out "I was Born in the USA". The flock: Margot Bobbie is all  glockenspiel clown no excuses exuberance just Like a thanksgiving dinner and silver table setting: turkey with dressing, cranberry sauce, crystal chandelier, marshmallow sweet potatoes and stuffing. What you see is what you get. T-crossing I-dotting Rosie Perez clock in clock out pummelista. Demi-tasse Ewan McGregor sinister cynic low self esteem deal maker. Mary Elizabeth scorched earth phoenix. Jurnee Smollet-Bell the ephathizing linear gymnast. Ella Jay Basco fickle tricky stickiness. Smarmy Chris Messina licks his lips contemplating your suffering. Strong Black and white portrayals that give punch and oompht. Director Cathy Yan fleshes out a complex festival of themes moods events like shaking out bed linen and remaking a bed. Its like going through a woman's handbag, lots of knick knacks but nothing is a waste. And each item has a story. Screenplay by Christine Hodson keeps everything moving like a run on sentence. The chirping dialogue moves and propels the story, the scenes and action likewise do the same. There are so many action scenes on all levels, very cleverly articulated.  And the action all comes from a motivation. Guns, bats, kicks, any weapon will do No one underestimates their survival. Confidence is proper calculation and execution. They play hard and they fight hard. Who should see this film: Bee-atches and non-bee-atches. Final thoughts: ...I plucked my feathers ...shaved my balls after this... And am Flying south for the winter This film taught me: - A bird in the hand is a bird in the hand. -don't hang with someone who has more problems than you ;)

Thursday, January 30, 2020


"The outcome isn't worth it" ...when you spit in the wind... In short, a slow linear revealing mystery thriller of a survivor's revenge Warm and cold Sepia hues against navy blue tones lit with as much natural sources of lights from fluorescent bulbs the sun and dusty lamps fill out the cinematography . Countryside London to Tangiers. The technical clinical cold vs emotional trauma hot journey is the mapped out narrative. It's a Two sided coin and double edged dagger, heads or tails, live or die, eat or be eaten. Lies and truth, they both hurt...who to believe or not to. There's a lot of spoken story, so be alert. Everyone is on point. Insecure frantic bold scarey Blake Lively Forward iron pants blokey Jude Law Engineery spidery Sterling K Brown Bring full tilted tight performances. The Director Reed Morano unfolds scenes aimed to make the journey of conundrums our own personal visceral experiences. She succeeds. Every grunty twerky battle is hard earned and thrusty Expectations no doubt will be crushed in attendees hoping for a new wonder woman/marvelavenger/high gadgetry/rebooted/Amazon/Xena/Rambo/john wickJames Bourne-Bond caliber femme fatale. Only diet of hormones physical boot camp can produce this in a mini time what do you get when you have willpower vengeance as the underlying strength. This film. Is this possible? Yes. Psychological abilities do work. Look to recent terrorist simple methods of box cutters. It only takes steel nerves and a unprepared target. Lincoln, Kennedy's all perished this way, n'est past? Even a pinpoint prick with deadly radiation like that guy in England, or that simple Korean deadly welcome at an airport. Bobbitt's bits cut off. Ahhhh! Now its believable. Underestimation is an assassin's best cover. For example: nobody would think a 108 lb waify woman could be an assassin. Oh, like in this film. Touche! En guard! Motivation?: A woman's stereotyped victim/prey card is played by the Cliche beat down-downtrodden females always resort to drugs and prostitution as the fulcrum to jettison them to retaliatory revenge...contra a man's world its revenge for some family member, but only drink-drugs addicted never a sex-worker. Can you see a male prostitute in this role? Yet alas sexed up-down... sexdom has always been a weapon.(ay-yi-yi, really?) So.... When will I see you again? When will our hearts beat together? R we in luv or hate? Friends or enemies? ah, the dance of love or violence: fighting or sexing is as intimately close as you can get to another human... so no doubt there will be sequels for this team. It's a simmering film and a different type of action skills required no kung foolery here spartan lean and instinctual. Its likable. And for that this vunerable thoughty thriller is a pleasant flippy changed up film to see. Once u become an assassin, U too become the hunted. A two sided coin. There's no early retirement here. Pick someone you like and make a bet.


Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...