Thursday, February 20, 2020


Ya know...Wild horses couldn't carry me away Not one thing in Nature is misplaced... This film is about awareness of ones thought words and deeds. Sometimes refusing to watch listen and learn causes life to make decisions for you. Are u feeling lucky, unlucky or stubborn? In this case various outcomes are exemplified without judgment. There is real evil, victims, heroes, and good on the playing grounds arena in this pine needle plateau of Alaskan country circa 1800's A setting of something-something of just living shrouded in a mystical journey. Here we are Yukon Alaskan frozen unpaved muddy caked street . No hot water, no electricity, No refridgerators, no soft and cozy blankets, no nonstick-induction frying pans. Life and Death were hard so never let your guard down. Danger was a way of life. So All of that... the big "roughing it" reflection is the narrative for the adults. Countered to a life of a dog's life pioneering his way through life and self discovery... is the telepathically transmitted tale to the kids. Very broad deeply flushed stokes within an appealing folksy fir tree iceberg epic vista. So rewarding. You see these untouched marvels, with wonder but the stark reality of getting a quart of milk and a warm bath / what it takes just to get mail or catch a salmon for dinner was time intensive during 1800. I saw a documentary of a bear in bear heaven as he sat in a river gorging his self on free range salmon. Next he was wailing and flailing his arms and racing off in a flurry. A locust-swarm of mosquitos had made him into din-din. Ya know, Alaska's state bird is the Mosquito.... That was a diatribe but This is that semi-human unadulterated Alaska / Era you feel. The cast is a patchwork of well cued characters. CGI animated "Buck the dog" the key character, as upfront and as humanified as possible. Harrison Ford brings a sentimental portrayal like a good port wine and mudcake. Others actors bring the hardened saucer-deep colorful no-nonsense ilk out so frankly that you could split a hair on. Stoic Cara Gee is unfooled by calling a spade a spade Omar Sy is whimsy full of things hoped for and polishing rough diamonds Mother Nature lifts a veil showing She is competent and sane. Its only humans who breed out of season... Ok. The film isn't metaphysical but it is. Nature is Nature. Unlike humans who need validation from brand name clothes, digital confirmating tablets, Fones, DVD. People have become their things and can no longer hear their true nature. This is there because it isn't. AND When left alone, Nature returns to Nature. Ya don't need a pair of Adidas to be you. This dog Zen-ifies for you. Director Chris Saunders brings casual fables to life in a live and let be virtuosity. The Cinematography is fall in love off the grid rustic festival The writer... Jack London. Who's this for? Hmm a kaleidoscope of mutts and thouroughbreds, casualists, philosophers and kids of all ages. You'll find "you" somewhere here. Therefore you will be entertained...the challenge is to see everyone and regain a bit of your nature. pick the battles watch for omens etc ultimately at the end of the day If u take time to notice, every creature on this earth has an agenda. in truth...Nature is not wild, humans are wild = loco bc of their forgotten nature. Like I say 1800 Alaska or Bust? If it were only that simple. I think we can have our cake and eat it, too.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...