Monday, December 9, 2019


Room 237 "the darkest things are the hungriest things..." Oh! Stephen King Ambience at its best. The storytelling is superb The acting is tight The mood and tempo is thrilling All the filmesque ducks are in a cinematic row and this film shines. Ewan Mc brings a caliber of acting that heightens the trauma drama. Ferguson brings in a touch of sinister that could sweetly groom anyone. Curran sharp and tough with frills and frou frou. Now the film, is a great sequel to The Shining without being stuck in homage mode. Danny-still-shining is all growed up living a la vida reckless homeless loca" life when he gets the proverbial "who you gonna call? ghost-buster" call. The Horror- Coaster Ride thusly commences. Nuff said. It's a thing that goes bump in the night ride, fasten your seatbelts. Stephen King always stresses beware of the groomers bc since Time immemorial there will always be evil and evil-doers looking for prey with good and good-doers thwarting them with comeuppance. Evil most always wears a nice mask to camouflage their evilness. These evil ones are no different. And here, you can't help but root for the good guys, and cheer when the bad guys get clapped back and knocked on their asses. Human or non-human, or spirit. Yeah for the good guys. The film's screenplay stands firmly on its own.... Fresh and innovative. Crisp writing New and Old relateable characters Understated cgi Phenomenal music score. Mouse trap fly trap glue trap The sets cinematography locals are what you expect in King film. Any number of lines, visuals, twists that give this the unexpected narrative watchabilty, seriousness and humour. They slowly unfold and pull you in, giving you jolt after creepy jolt. You just can't look away a moment less you miss something vital. Director Mike Flanagan establishes his own mood and craftily lifts enough from the original Shining that gives you this woozy wow atmosphere. He never references it, He expands it with a new nuance. I'm gonna use the "M" word. Masterwork. A Delight. Kubrick would be proud. At the end of day.. if you owe a spiritual debt, pay it while you have time.... And also see this entertaining film, it's a treat. ---a real life serious aside: This type of grooming portrayed in this film is how children, adults are disarmed and molested by strangers and friends. It's unsettling and blunt, but it's a discussion point worth noting. Scouts, Priests, Bankers, Politicians all use these tactics. If your gut tells you some thing is fishy, believe it and move away. Sometimes it's only you who can protect you

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...