Thursday, January 16, 2020


A Thouroughbred's place and priviledge "You do your job bc, "its not my job"" In a word --Spooky kids play spook the governess. A "B Film" minted and framed in retro 1980 edges, with old school bumps, jolts, hooting owls, eerie alternative angst songs, cracking clapping thunder, misty foggy formal gardens, whispering whispers, knocks, self-locking windows/doors...sexually frustrated... You ask yourself "am I really experiencing these weirdy weird that defy physics " ; is this for real...but you can take it cuz u want to be useful in this world. Beautifully shot in chilly lavender, greygreeny tones in a stately huge east wing west wing wall paneled 18th century monolithic manor. Classic sharp contrasted lighting casting shadows. Obviously this place is haunted and supernaturally alive, by the dead and the living; It's called bratty kids and the ghosties need a spanking. It is suspenseful and psychotic and tyrannical. Let me taunt you, bebe. The acting is good. Strong deliveries by Mackenzie Davis grounded flighty empathetic skills breathe life into a hard type of role to portray, Finn Wolfhard gives his teenager the right snap of the whip smart snark and Brooke Prince broody moody happy go lucky tite...holds you to the story. The ephemeral script is on target The directing is good. --A lot of stylized lyric choices that were made by the Director Floria Sigismondi were done for vision texture for this elusive gossamer concrete fluid ride- It's an hallucinatory artsy narrative. The mysterious ending is exactly what the doctor/director ordered. Even in real life, all things don't match up, so why should a film. If you can get past that; you will like this. If you need won't. The paranormal finale is presented like "The Scream" painting by Norwegian Edvard Munch... in themes of what has happened, happening, will happen...or what hasn't happened Not a gory slashy and running horrory flick, Who is this for? People who don't listen to their inner voice and save themselves People who second guess themselves People who don't get out when the house says get out. People who like games. This is a B film but a good B film that gets A good B+. Finally, This is the World of the Living, clap back at everything else! FYI Leave the Dead to the Dead --the Dead left necessary things, aspects and relations/ships) here when you don't have a body you don't need food and clothes so this World is for those who only have a body... life is challenging complicated enough without dealing with the "dead realm" forget about getting involved with the dead realm do you best with the living, cherish the good memories if there are and forget everything else.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...