Thursday, July 25, 2019


"Zoobie zoobie zoo..." Formica, linoleum and faux wood paneling...what those Brady Kids needed was a toilet in their shared bathroom. You get all the 70's fashion, tv serials, commercials, and bliss. This film found a junkyard time capsule and threw it up on screen. If you weren't there, now you can get your "shag carpet" on. Gossamer retro gold. In addition to that painstakingly Smithsonian accuracy, you get two dynamic actors and a cutting edge director, to fantasy rewrite history. This is what we would have liked to happen, how the story should have ended back then in real life, but alas no. Two loners enjoying the other's loneliness. They do an excellent job of it. So well acted is the pair, you wish you were the third wheel in this posse. ( Can I be in your club?, I promise not to make any noise.. Oh sure, you can be the dog.-- sorry, bonds like these have no room for one more ) Getting back to the film, Tarentino crafts a brilliant film, but alas it's filmanistic for filmanistas. Real high falutin over the normal person's head filminess. This is high film art. "Visionary" Even though the story is about blokes during Sharon Tate, and narratively plain, it's not. It's like Picasso showing his art, and you liking him, and his art But having no clue what cubism is. "Tarentino" is "Picasso". "Once upon Hollywood"... Is his "art". But do you understand his technique. Film directors, film historians etc will get it but others will miss it. What to do. Tarentino is in command now of his storylines per se because of his provenance. He makes one for the Executives to make dollars and one for his artsy visionistic filmosity Ego. Good for us peeps who like both. There it is. There you have it. Call it broccoli, asparagus or chocolate cake. A piece of Art or birdie Doo. Fuzzy Math or Algebra. It's all on you, your vision, your training. Tarentino just keeps getting better and betterer. He gets an "A+" ~ Most people live ordinary lives and call films boring when they see story lines about ordinary people doing ordinary things. This then is not a film for you. If you want to see a fine art portraiture of natural people trying to live life by a Mastercraftsman, then this is for you.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...