Thursday, August 8, 2019


"Believing what you have read costs dearly..." Funny creepy stories, nosey-kids, and a misguided revenge on bogeyman. All the elements needed for a horror flick to sail or sink. This films delivers the goods and steams on. Everything is done well. Colors pop, heads pop, soda pop. Oh and popcorn. Don't let the unknown b-list actors cause you pass on this and miss it. An excellent script relys on story, setting, and acting to propel it to 5 stars. And once again proves you need either or both: a good actor to make a bad script good, a good script no one can mess up, and/or good acting and good script. This has the third plus great direction, cgi, and cinematography. Since Hitchcock, Twilight Zone, Friday 13th, et all...most of the Horrorescapades in Horrorland have been pretty much there are no new shocking horrorology. What is left is what always has been there. The re-telling. Similarly we have fashion every year with the same look. It's still pants, suit, dresses and gowns. Right. Nope! Similarly, It's how you film/tell a scarey story. This one is an enjoyable bump in the night Gem.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...