Thursday, September 19, 2019


Bratt Pitt has Bette Davis Eyes. "You can go home again.." This film hits all the marks of a tour de force in classic filmmaking. It is not a cgi comic book battle generated saga. It is a simple story of inner loss of a boy grown into a man and what the loss made of that boy, placed in space tech world. But What Brad Pitt delivers is what Bette Davis delivered. It's a feat for any one actor to hold an audiences attention, yet Brad's performance mostly solo, seamlessly takes you along... One onion layer pealed back at a time. He's on screen so much that it's like he's right next to you and that you can practically smell him and wipe his sweat off. Really. So it's a story film, based on acting, set beautifully in space. Don't expect Star Wars, it's not, It's all pathos and empathy here. A lot of techy peeps will poo-poo the techno-sci-accuracy as faulty-off mark and space-not-like-dat; hey chill out , it's a film fantasy, not a technical documentary. Just like in Star Wars heroes survive and rarely get hit with laser blasts or bullets. These are campfire stories with campfire fantasy realness. All films are imagination sprinkled with realness. Not realness sprinkled with imagination. If you want realness or "more science based facts of a 5th grader", go to a lab and watch petri dishes grow If you want fantasy and a introverted ride, see this. Fyi: All movies have research teams, Harry Potter-Fantastic Beasts, Avatar... With beaucoup bucks spent to make sure stories follow storyline, latest science data, etc Or not to... It's up to the story teller/director to do whatever he wants to Obviously quite in your face obviously this director has the provenance and caliber and thumbed his nose at current accepted "fysics" facts and wanted to tell his story this way with his alternative facts. He chose this, they are not mistakes, or they should have known...he did and didn't care. This caliber of a director does his homework, as exhibited by the high quality of this movie, shots, cinematography, pic etc. Like Kubrick, Cameron et Al Hitchcock... You get what He wants to show you like a Dali melting clock in an alternative universe. This is His Dali-esque Space film. To hell with your "fysics" Anyone who tries to make films real and be accurate are looking in the wrong arena and will be unhappy at any film. Rambo is unreal, James Bond is unreal. All films are surreal story telling unless they are documentaries Relax

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...