Thursday, September 12, 2019


Rambo is as Rambo does. "There are bad (people) men in this world...(and) this world is darker...(and) people don't change. ...I keep a lid on it" In a nutshell that's this Mature Rambo. Wise Rambo advice. The film is all you expect and more from the vengeance, revenge, and retaliation in the arc of Rambo Vigilante Universe. A simple man with agility, scarred again and doing the do to right their wrongs. Bc this is Mature Rambo, he doesn't do sentimental parleys to get what is rightfully his, He doesn't plead...he asks. Woe to you to pick a fight with a twilight assassin. Now the film... Is it worth seeing?, u bet it is! It's jarring crunchy never cynicle but honestly reflects the current world with all it's technical baubles down to our unfiltered humanity or lack of. And exposes if you aren't aware: the ghouls are your neighbors, not a bogeyman, and unfortunately this story can be ripped out of any newspaper today, even sacred small towns. There was a short period where these events were fantasy, not any more. The early Rambo violence was a fantasy, like Clockwork Orange, but today we hope someone like Rambo is near by to protect us. The writing is natural, The acting is understandable The direction is on point It's clear and almost wistfully romantic, Wide angle shots of open farmland and horses showing if only the world could be this way... To a world of tunnels in the earth. It's sad. "I will always be sad" a character says about loss. Only age, time and poignant losses bring us humans to this kind of emotion looking back at our lives. Only "This" Rambo can do this. The Mature Rambo. None of the other Rambos have this, they look to the future. Believe it or not, there is still more Rambo movies that can come from this. This is not a swan song unless Stallone is done. Finally I feel besides being a Rambo film, Stallone is talking to each and every one of us to take our humanity back. Be a little kinder. Listen to your wise elders. And there are bad people too so be vigilant as well But in the end you will do you and you will live with the consequences, good or bad. So be patient, pause, listen and reflect before you act

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...