Thursday, September 5, 2019


You can/can't go home again. In my little town I grew up believing.... "It's Ba-a-ck" The Carnival is back in town along with a revived evil. Older and stronger, these kids-now-adults should be able to hold their own. But the evil grows in strength, too. Terror takes on a heightened pyschological aspect which is filmed seamlessly. Spectacular Vignettes in all areas. Characters, scenes, and ghoulish theatrics. The director takes each character and element, and with precision beats lays out each story and back story. (Lots of "love" "unrequited love" "alternative love" secrets come out of the woodwork. Oh boy. And repressions. Things not dealt with, too late to deal with, and missed opportunity. Alas being young and dumb, or an old fool.) The task He executes is monumental. Lucky Lucky Him for having casting foresight and getting the actors He has as they all take their performances to great depths. The devil is in the details and He misses none. This explains the length of the film. Developing each narrative mood and thread with a ratio of economy and generosity to make each actor-scene-shot shine. Bc the first It movie was about the "scares"; you really can't "re-scare" with an old familiar villain. The Clown is the Clown, no matter how bedazzledly sinisterly He gets. IE. Alien and Aliens. First movie scarey, second movie actiony.... So the "scares" become pyschological "scares" or "repressions" that an audience can empathize with. Here in lies the narrative choices lays out. It chapter 2, will eventually be a film recognized for the director who captured characters from different times and ages, wove them together in a parallel smurfing blur that one could not exist by the other. Meaning, you can infer each movie to each other like a mirror. The reflection and the reflected. We know which came first but if we suspend that sequence knowledge, Which really is the prequel or the sequel. That's the masterful craftsmanship this director has exercised and executed. Touche.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...