Thursday, October 10, 2019


Is blood thicker than cloning? That answer and more you will find in this action driven subtexted romance adventure film. ---this is not a sci-fi film--- The set, scenes, and cast are in contemporary themes with the search for identities - mine, yours - theirs as the puzzles and mysteries unfold. That narrative is designed to advance confrontary situations into precise action sequences of human heart battles, gun battles, motorcycle battles, mind game battles and "mano a mano" battles. And the film ends with feel good moments for all. As with a nod to all action films, Mission Impossible, Bond ...we are presented an elite killing machine yet this pivot axis is not that focal point. This is the smaller narrative. The human part is more front and center. And this is Star based, it's a film normally that Nicolas Cage would do on Netflix or Tom Hank. Although for sure, the fighting gymnastics are super duperly delivered. A+. As with all star power generated films, Will Smith is obviously the magnetism of why this was made. And why you are interested to watch. There are no mad scientist laboratories, yapping technicians explaining the science, elaborate schemes, innovated plot arcs, or sinister nemesises. It's a very tight circular story around Smith. And therefore nothing else needs to be explained without spoiling the ride which Ang Lee, the director, and his production staff distilled the interactions and relations down to. Notably: The Elephant In The Room -- is the cloned a human or an expendable lab rat -- is swiped at quickly, and had that foundation been interjected as a theme, a deeper engaging philosophical political angle would have more ethical storyline power. Decisions were made to "x" that out. Why? Don't know. Too bad. Genetic engineering vs Nature vs God vs Darwinism exist in a vacuum somewheres else in some others it-doesn't-exist-all distant realm. What are the purported and conclusive true credentials for "the greater good"? Is it money, whoever has the biggest stick, ethics, morals, self preservation, fashionable? It's a mash toss up. The Board Room Heads obviously determined the direction of this storyline, and well established Smith and Lee do know what they signed up for when they read the script. No mistakes here. It seems like political censorship was a key to its squeaky cleanliness, as the worldwide market is it's target. Whatever. I have a feeling some will expect a lot more umph, but that would only be plausible if this were a "Bond-esque-borne identities-esque escapade... What It a good clean fun action night out for the whole family. --No heavy thousand pound headaches, no heart wrenching caterwauling, no gory-gore body parts, no sexploits, no cusses, or no intricate twisty twists-- Vanillaly and Fluffy?! How could something so water down be a film? It's quality, style, director and actor. Sometimes the minimum is the best, and here you get both. And saying, "Oh! You're just like your ", Brother...uh,, Clone"?!" is an oxymoron, paradox, hyperbole and a metaphor. Lol, rea

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...