Friday, October 11, 2019


Don't judge a family by it's cover. "Oh, Wow, You're just like us!" This animated comedy feature zeroes in on mob culture, cliques, big brother and outsiders within the framework of a quaint sprall picturesque small town, community, school and family in the Addam Family Universe. The key to destroy or uproot anyone is to make them a target of not fitting in, usually initiated by a rabble rouser who is the Pinnacle Ideal persona. All of this is dumbdown to animated characters without the vitriol. The situation gags, sight gags, off-beat gimmicks of gothic counter culture roll out one after another. Each take is funny and had they took each comedic element one degree more, it would have been brilliant. Here in lies the stickiness, there's the brilliance of animations, characters, sets...a fairly fun clever script, everything there to knock it out of the park but it wasn't a home run. Kids will enjoy it's kookiness, and some tongue-in-cheek snickers for adults. So it hits and misses. In some places ideas are fleshed out well, others places the director didn't know what to do with what he had, his comic timing hit but could have been delivered with a zinger. Oh well. This is an enjoyable kid's film. Now, the moral to the story is family. You're just like us. A Family. And because of this moral, this poignant summation is this animated features message and why it should be seen. The reason we all watch the Addams family is because it's family seems quirky, quirkier than ours in our mind. But the sub rosa reason is because it is a family. A family unit united in their love of each other no matter what. It is the Ideal Family, because the Addams Family and its members wears its otherliness on the outside, which is accepted and not condemned. Most families hide their true otherliness selves and dysfunctionalism, and pit themselves against each other. Not the Addams Family. They stick together. And without this glueing point there would be no reason to see this film

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...