Thursday, October 17, 2019


What do you get when you mash up Wicked Avatar Black Panther and Sleeping Beauty... "Guess who's coming to dinner, literally?" A film that Disney does right by the Disney Brand. There is enough emotional friction narrative from family, duty, community, society with a heavy emphasis on love and forgiveness and letting go via having the nature of a resurrecting phoenix. The Director Rønning with a super cgi production crew, cinematography, costumes, scenery no stone was left unturned in presenting breathtaking delicately embroidered beauty. Disney really delivers a visual masterpiece to savor. Night forests (delirious/fairied) juxtaposed Versailles formal gardens (topiaried/soldiered) , a marriage of nature made and man made. Lush pixie dusted cul-de-sacs, concrete spired churches, separated by a mysterious dark grey river. Smokey mountain clouds. Pearl armed gowns, gold leafed jackets, quail feathers, assymetrical war paint. It's an endless procession of spectacle. You have to see it so you can just be blown away by the shots, camera work and angles. Off the chart artistry and technicals! All of this backdrop sets the stage of the understory of co-existence. Bridging the Gap. Can we relook and forgive to forge a new alliance? How did we end up at opposite ends? What's the cost? How many mistakes? How many betrayals. Who? Why? So many missteps by the characters bc of the narrowness of their personal desires and aspirations are contrary to everyone else they end up in conflict. Elliptical mirrors out of focus. Nothing can move forward without some one at some point "forgiving" And a Mother's Love, whether Human, Fairy, or Mother Nature's can be the most unconditional forgiving in existence. This is the discussionary journey each character unknowningly is on and unknowingly having with theirselves. How can I react to this with all I know and don't know, and what will I lose or gain. Heady stuff for Disney, but it's there. Endearing without being syrupy sentimentality. No kookiness. No reliance on a cute card. Just aces. Angela Jolie and Michelle Pfieffer, both bring to life the necessary passion and compassion for their sharp deeply focussed portrayals. Never clunky, garish, overplayed ~ on target with finesse, panache, and crackling charisma. They could have been shticky, not here. They carry their anchored characters effortlessly. This is a Disney film and is successful at that Disney exuberance. And a happy healthy ending. Ta-daa! Sometimes Disney Films get censored down that they loose the turbulence life presents ... but here they get the balance just so right. They don't beat you over the head with the situations each character is struggling with. Simple self-preservation. Will you lie, cheat, steal, betray or be truthful, compete fairly, be loyal in that self preservationistic plight? This is life's dharma: our behavior. To be fair, it's the contrapuntal acting duo of Jolie and Pfeiffer that elevate the story experience. The supporting cast does fine, we feel them but without the feisty spirited duo, it would have been just a nice film. Alot of development went into each theme, and each facet could be its own film. The editing is exemplary in folding each theme on each other, causing the many revolving relationships to shine as a whole. You can feel there is a lot of story, scenes and film left out on the editing floor that will end up in a sequel. All ages will cherry pick the takeaways from film, there is something for everyone. It is a G film with an all around "A". Hats off to Disney for the sensitive evocative story of healing by forgiveness, acceptance and allowing loved ones and ourselves to make mistakes and fail. And revise ourselves to rise up again.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...