Thursday, October 31, 2019


Assassin for Hire: Dorothy, Accidental Kansas Witch Killer American Classic Film with all the frills. 80 years ago, with no cgi, a simple narrative is crafted and brought to the screen with artisan ingenuity, effects, story telling, humour and style with no equal. The actors bring a caliber of characters and portrayals that is classic Oscar quality. The performances remind me of Leonardo DiCaprio's Jack of Cameron's "Titanic". The role of portraying a simple young man on a sinking ship was Oscar worthy. Without Jack, that genuine portrayal, Titanic would not have been a block buster. But bc it wasn't some twisty portrayal, he was snubbed. Titanic was only interesting bc everyone believed in Jack, DiCaprio's character. Similarly, everything about Oz is believable by the portrayals, the sets, the costumes, lights, cinematography, music, choreography. When viewing this film on a small screen, alot is missed and glossed over. It was meant to be seen in a theatre. Even if you have seen this on tv, or a large screen, the impact in the theatre sheds new light on MGM and the filmosity of its iconic status. Avoid all the Naysayers on The Red Brick Road and Take the Yellow Brick Road and See it in a theatre while you can.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...