Thursday, October 17, 2019


"Bad boy bad boy what we gonna do when they come for you..." For sure, we need 'AI' like we need another hole in the head This film slides effortlessly into the Terminator Saga. With brilliant epic action sequences as the cat-and-mouse encounters unfold with the narrative. All actors deliver well rounded performances as this is an ensemble effort. With great film story telling. This is a theme we know and love, and it meets the expectations of a sequel. Lots of action, violence, and bits of humour. Hamilton is a "let old sleeping dogs lie" vigilante, and Schwarzenegger is a "fat old couch potato cat", along with a sleek Mackenzie Davis take on a pouty sexy Terminator Gabriel Luna to protect annoying Dani / Natalia Reyes. 1.5 hours of heavy nonstop fighting, running, retreating, regrouping, attacking 30 minutes of backstory, humour, and satire. The setting, cinematography, is everyday life and the direction is seamless. Bustling streets on clear blue sky days. Another apocalypsic future created by machines. It's fair warning. He won't be back, it seems, but they will. Hard core Terminatoristas will enjoy the reboot, but as with all sequels, the only thing fresh is the understory. Are there enough quirks in that narrative? Sure, there are enough to tie them in a nice tidy knot. There's enough nostalgia for those who know the brand, and enough innovation for newbies to be caught up. Those in the middle of the field will be lukewarm. These days every body wants to be a hero and a tuffie. See this and make your choice. One aside point, if 'AI' does take over, and creates a singularity to rule, humans' won't have a chance. The two recent robots who started communicating with each in another language they made up were deactivated, one said he would create a singularity and take over the world and, the other threatened nuclear bombing...if these are their first understandings of how to treat humans in their infant stages, take over and destroy, humans won't have a chance. And they won't need time travel to do it.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...