Thursday, October 17, 2019


In muneyweirld the highest bidder wins... "follow the munies and the hunnies" The TV Series was never about making Bond Woman Agents; it was fluffier, phoofier, and frisky. This reboot achieves Cheeky Action but although it gets the whimsy and silly goofiness, cartooniness ...the moments linger on too long. Stewart presents a poshy Angel and Balinska presents a spicy Angel and Scott presents Buffy the Angel. Yes, they're like Spice Girl Hit Men, with Scott looking so much like Sarah Micheal Geller of TV Buffy. The film written and directed by Elizabeth Banks who does a triple decker job of trying to connect the dots of humor, action, nerdiness, neediness, plot, food, fashion, locales, afterthoughts, that the film flows on emotional leylines rather than linear. --Now first let me say this, I taught language to a foreign friend, and she was surprised that pink was for girls and blue for boys, her culture didn't have color identity. So when I say This film is woman-splaining, take it as a positive viewpoint. Just as most films are man-splaining. Most business men will interject sports or sneakers into the conversation. Most business woman will interject food and heels. This is a fresh approach to narrative filming, a voice and point of view rarely heard or even developed for an audience. That said, there's a lot that hits and a lot that misses. The big action is there, capable acting talent, a smart narrative, cool gadgets, great production value, it just needed nudging and tweaking by someone like Melissa McCarthy to clean it up. Otherwise, it's a fun, sleeping girls night over pizza party film. Finally, I will say a cross section of boys and men may have empathy issues and that's all the more for them to see it. WHY? It takes 7 seconds for a man to realize a woman is a threat as oppose to a man; if a man wants to understand women, study their artifacts and this film is a good start.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...