Wednesday, December 18, 2019


"Love is a battlefield..."
"...What's love but a second hand emotion"
"And I-I-I will always love you-ou-..."

A Fantasy Film! With a cornucopia of Clones, DNA, Karma, Dharma/Adharma, and Who knew? 

This sequel is all in line with the Star Wars Saga
The look the touch the feel is absolutely fabulous.
Star-war-nistas should be very happy contented.

Star Wars still remains the simple narrative of siddhis= supernatural power used for selfish or humanitarian goals, dark nature or good nature. 
And you know, that's why it still is fresh today. The bottom line is the Wizard of Oz's Glenda asked Dorothy, 
" Are you a good witch or a bad witch?!"
From Harry Potter, Borne Identity, Maleficent,  etc ... will you do good or evil with your talents.
Will you join the dark side or the force?"

It is brilliantly Star Wars-y, lots of action, great drama comic moments, unmatched cinematography, good acting, classic surpasses itself but remains the levels and imagery we love and expect,  it wasn't hijacked or reinvented into a superintergalactixaluniverse.

As a child, we loved hearing Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood over and over again.
This story line is a follow through soap opera but nonetheless it's has that great nature of never growing old to hear the retelling.
That's why we go. To see old friends.

And it got a little cuchie-fritto with the love story, sniff sniff.
Ooh, I was like these peeps need to get a room! And can I watch?
Seriously, I loved it.

It's for everybody, I mean 
Literally, button button who's got the button has finally been answered.

The most important take away from this film is that with all the planning in the world by the good people and/ or evil-doers ...there is always the unknown quality called choice.
A choice has to be made.
What will one choose?
Here a mother's unconditional love is the tipping point.

Go see this for yourself, you owe it to you to enjoy " IX " without anyone fogging up your lens.
Over 40 years of storytelling was created not to waste your time or money, but to entertain you.
Director's, Crews, Costumes, Lights, Casts, thousands upon thousands worked tirelessly to tell you a tale on film. Respect that process and go enjoy yourself.
The admission price is less than you would spend on lunch. Just go.

Have fun and
...the look...of in... your eyes...the look...that time... can't erase....."
bring some tissue

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...