Thursday, December 19, 2019


A Day In The Life First, I never watched one episode of this series and went in totally blind. The film present the pomp and circumstances of the class system of Great Britain in the day to day lives from the Royals, the Upperclass, to the Servant, way back when.... It's not a film about plot, archs, intrique, it is a film about details, the smaller details, ticks, and quirks -- emotional and mental thought-ware, we humans share in our ant-like daily routines... without judgement. One's place in life, being loved and or approved, and self worth are the underbelly of everyone's character and the "raison d'etra". The reason to be. At that period in time This place was the economy of everyone and essential to live and have any livelihood at all. There was nothing better so everyone makes do. This is the essence of the film. With a broadstroke, nothing is whitewashed. All the peccadillos, bitterness, sweetness are unreservedly served without any winks or nods, but with attitude to remember one's place and position. Yet finally, One can have their position in this society And Have hope to find and have love, self worth in their life, and be satisfied. The sets, costumes, scenery are well established. You believe you are there. You can feel the well manicured grass growing, and hear the grandfather clock ticking, how the furniture is nicely dusted, the fireplace roaring.... All tidy and ordered. This is a safe place. This is why people stay in their positions. What is beyond this haven is unknown unsure and unsafe. This is why this film portrayal of Downton Abbey is brilliantly appealing and why it gets an A+, because it focuses on that and only that. One character wanders off and for a moment and gets lost into the big bad unsafe world exclaiming " This is my first time here, I've never been here before." Lucky for these denizens Downtown Abby was there. To diatribe, the film and its resonance is a parallel to all societies and classes. More importantly, it is a macro family. Update the period, the clothes, the could be your family. The film shows people as they were and are, good average people who tried to behave well. And if you are like that, this will suit your fancy. If you want more contrariness, murder, betrayal, super opining archs...maybe you should sit this one out.

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...