Thursday, January 9, 2020


Escape to the bottom of the sea Drip? is that a drip?! ...isn't there enough water in here already? This Excellence Tight A+ Escapist "B Film" is about keeping the buddy system in an event/happening no matter the operation especially when the odds are stacked against you; especially when your crew has monochromatic expertise and has no crossover hybrid skills and In disasters, man-made or natural. Cinematography every shot is a lavish mood, fantastical beautiful and foreboding and the set. The industrial walls tiled avocado green, tube-like infinity corridors with scientific thingamabobs thrusting out the jabbering ineffectual computer. It's Perfect, so convincingly perfect that a normal person would be heads up or down about living in it. Bottom of the sea-ie, Watery, Murky, Claustrophobic, florescent lights blink on and off, high pressurized clunky scuba gear... puddles moisture wet Some would call it home Some would call it a grave. Ah, Production values today are the bestest ever. With a slow droney cello strings, the music plays out Long notes in pulses of thump thump and thump and never lets up. Like a heart in an ER, fighting to live. In this timeless realm, lots of action and struggles galore, surface through out the narrative. Don't be late, the opening credits are the important setup prologue. Hang on tight, the dialogue is non-stop glub glub glub underwater panicky yammering with breathing No one can catch their breath a deep shallow stressy breath followed by another deeper shallowier gaspier breath. Are they in labour? Did they finish a 10k run? Is their house on fire? Are they snogging? Nope, no and naw. They are just scary-scared. Do they just holler! No, they just shallow breath more. There is real funny funky wide eye sarcasm - "I might live/ I might die.. " tawkie-talk strung through that's on target. That's the nice grease. The smug smucky yucks. It all twerks. The acting is what you know in a sci-fi film but Kristen Stewart and Vincent Cassel hold your eye. Is it camera work? Stewart is believable so is Cassel. Without them this would go straight to streaming. Stewart is chipping away to be a stand-alone action star. She definitely has the chops and the looks like a snappy twenty-something Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry. She needs a "Make My Day... I'll be back... Yabba-dabba-doo" indelible phrase. And She's ready for that wink-wink connect to the audience to break through the 3rd wall. Cassell brings old school 70's style, like an Old Spice old fashioned shave with a razor. He looks and behaves like He got Moby Dick 3 years ago, took a bath, cleaned up and sexed up with 80's Calvin Klein cologne. They're both good. Director William Eubank tells a clear cut progressive thriller. Brings you around and tells a complete visual story board narrative from all angles. All his shots, povs, are intimate and revelatory. We care about this crew bc they care about each other. Now Relax if you can get pass this -- No one gets put in a high tech environment without rehearsing emergency protocols. -- Then: You will enjoy this fantasy film. Films are fantasies. This is Escapade Fantasy Genre... In the moment situations...instincts driven Look at real life to see how smart people behave in an earthquake If you're a strict techy-tech, save your lunch money, stay home, and rewire your hard drive. You will call this a movie, not a film. Final thoughts My takeaways are: If you're 5 feet in the pool and If you don't know where your going, any road will take you there So leave all road kill on the road Suit up Get your drip drip on and "Look forward...and connect to the experience." Enjoy the ride

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...