Thursday, December 26, 2019


"No man is an island" ...when pigs can fly And birds of a feather do eventually flock together. Upbeat inclusive family animated film of extreme and opposite personality types accepting each other and themselves. Set in the cool cool world of spies, Bad guys vs Good guys, under the pressures of authority. The set is as best as it gets, streamline animation, chiseled and stylized to a sleek lines, smooth blocked rich colors, rectangular as one side of the atmosphere to a round fluffy caricatures like Pikachu. This contrast of moods is also basis the theme of "weird" vs "society norm"/ fitting in. Being misunderstood. Acting out based on trama. Of course, it's not a dark approach, It's about making friends, making a team. If you give a person with a good heart time, everyone becomes a winner. Will Smith and Tom Holland are featured. And the screenplay and development accentuates the niche these Film Archetypes brilliantly have. Smith's kooky smug suave and Holland's cuddling jinxy exasperated teen yearning...test each other and find common loving ground and acceptance. Some would call them "vanity roles"; and for sure they are tweaked and tailored. But that is the only reason why this film was made and why Smith and Holland signed up. So we could see more of them as themselves indulging us in their charisma's. Both these guys are attractive, interesting to watch. And that's enough sometimes. It's all about People and animals naturally having different skills and finding away to co-exist without throwing some one away. Everybody is useful. Now, this is not a high-powered in your face animated film, that leaves you all twisted out, emotional, headachey, heartbreaky. There's mutual respect and comeraderie. That doesn't mean there isn't action, and goofiness. It has both great action sequences and silly laughs. Finally it's easy for kids to just jump right in. As an animated feature it really gets a 4.5...because it's the best it can be for what it is. Go enjoy yourself, be entertained, and don't lay an egg about it

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Baby, can u cuchi coo with your finger? Then u can shoot a gun... Can I get a whoo-hoo! That's what you this Flipped Flipped-O...